
This story had me gripped for days until I finished, and many days after. Danny Liska is a true adventurer and I feel lucky to have traveled his journey, even if only from the comfort of my home.

Olga L. Kramar

Danny Liska is what most men want to be - an adventurer. Think of the most fantastic events that could happen to a man and they have probably happened to Danny.

NEBRASKAland Magazine

Danny Liska was the first person to travel by motorcycle from the Arctic Circle in Alaska to Tierra del Fuego at the tip of South America. This is a major feat today, but in 1961, it was unheard of.

BMW Club of Houston

Danny Liska's book is one of the greatest adventure riding books written. Whenever he he tells a story that is so amazing you think it cannot be true, it is backed up with photos.

David A. Braun